Vice President Research und Professor for Digital Urban Cultures at the HafenCity University Hamburg


Director of the City Science Lab, a cooperation with the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, USA


Academic lead UNITAC, a cooperation with the United Nations (UN Habitat, OICT) 


Co - Founder comaps - connecting data


Member of the accreditation committee of Scientific Council of Germany (til mid 2023)


Stipendist of the Humboldt Foundation (Feodor-Lynen Program) Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge/USA


Awards for the CSL: URBACT EU, Geospatial World Award, Hamburg Open Science


Evaluator for: Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftSwiss National Science Foundation, federal ministries of Germany, private foundations, etc.


Guest Lecturer at the Lucerne School of Art and Design.


Member of the Research Committee of The Interface Society, sounding board of RISE Cities, BMW foundation.




Prof. Dr. Gesa Ziemer
HafenCity Universität

Henning - Voscherau - Platz 1

20457 Hamburg
